Can dogs get covid? All about covid in dogs

Dog owners may be worried about whether their pet can get COVID-19 coronavirus or spread the infection? This question is especially important if someone in the family has COVID -19.

Dogs can really get covid (1). But such cases are rare. More commonly, animals have been infected with coronavirus through close contact with humans. Therefore, dog owners need to know about the prevention and treatment of COVID -19 in dogs.

How does covid occur in dogs?

In most cases, dogs infected with SARS-CoV-2 have no symptoms or show mild cold symptoms that don’t require treatment (2). Therefore, you shouldn’t worry too much.

The only symptoms that should cause concern are:

  • fever;
  • cough;
  • shortness of breath;
  • runny nose;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • weakness.

These complications are very rare in dogs. Just observe the condition of your animal.

Can dogs get covid? All about covid in dogs

What should I do if my dog has COVID-19?

If so, you can ask your veterinarian for advice. If your dog doesn’t show any signs of the disease, you don’t need to take any special measures.

If you notice any of the above symptoms in your dog, your veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate treatment. You don’t need to take your pet to the clinic.

Do dogs need to be tested for coronavirus? The test is only mandatory if the dog has been in contact with a COVID -19 patient and has symptoms of the disease. In other cases, dogs don’t need to be tested for coronavirus.

If someone in your home has contracted SARS-CoV-2 virus or if the dog has tested positive, you should stick to self-isolation. Don't walk your dog in public places and keep your dog away from other people and animals.

The veterinarian will tell you how long the self-isolation should last. A new Covid test may be necessary.

How can I protect my dog from COVID-19?

If someone in your family has COVID-19, follow these rules to reduce your pet’s risk:

  • The sick person should avoid close contact with their pet. You shouldn’t cuddle your dog, sleep in the same bed with him or share food with him.
  • If you cannot avoid contact with your dog, wear a protective mask and wash your hands before touching the dog or its bowl.
Important. You should not wear a mask on your pet. Use only pet antiseptics to wipe the fur. You can also use products to clean your dog's bed or other surfaces. Don't use hand sanitizer on your dog.

Can dogs spread a coronavirus infection?

The risk of animals spreading COVID-19 to people is considered low (3). Scientists agree that the virus is only transmitted from person to person.

So you shouldn’t leave animals outside for fear of coronavirus. But don’t ignore the rules of hygiene – wash your hands after contact with a dog.



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