Why should you close a puppy in his crate at night?

Some people think it’s a good idea to close a puppy in his crate at night, but others oppose this method. What’s the right thing for you to do as a dog owner? Let’s get to the bottom of this question.

Benefits of crating puppies at night

Crating a puppy at night makes sense for several reasons:

Why should you close a puppy in his crate at night?

The puppy learns to sleep peacefully instead of running around the house and disturbing other family members.

Why should you close a puppy in his crate at night?

He will not pee in the house at night but will learn to be patient.

Why should you close a puppy in his crate at night?

He’ll not make trouble and disturb things in the house.

So if your puppy has trouble sleeping, it is worth trying nighttime crate training. If the puppy sleeps peacefully, you don’t need to put him in a crate.

 If you train your dog to stay in the crate all night, you'll find it easier to leave him in the crate for longer periods of time during the day. For example, you may need to crate the dog while you're at work or during a flight.

Is it cruel to leave puppy crated at night?

Some dog owners believe that locking dogs in a crate overnight isn’t humane. For humans, the thought of being locked for an extended period of time seems terrifying. But we’re dealing with dogs here.

Why should you close a puppy in his crate at night?

Dogs, by nature, tend to seek out their den. In a confined space, they feel safe. That’s why the crate becomes a favorite place for many dogs.

Think about small children, too. After all, they too are put in a crib at night, from which they cannot get out, and wrapped in diapers. We don’t think that’s a bad thing. That’s why I’m in favor of crates.

But you have to decide that question for yourself. You have to weigh the pros and cons to make a decision.

Also I have prepared some alternative methods to help calm the dog at night without a crate. You can read about them at the end of the article.

  If you still have doubts, read my article about Should I crate train my dog?

Best way to crate train a puppy at night

Only puppies that are already used to the crate can be locked there at night. So you need to train your puppy to use the crate during the day and then use it at night.

Crate training must be done gradually:

  • First, you need to get your puppy used to his new shelter and help him to love this place. You need to place the crate in a visible place in the house and leave it open.
  • Create a comfortable environment. Make sure your puppy is comfortable in his new crate, put up his bed, add new toys and try out the crate cover. Feed your puppy in the crate.
  • Try closing the crate for 1-5 minutes and then increase that time. At first, your puppy will probably whine, so I recommend you read the article Puppy crying in crate or whining: what to do.
  • If your puppy can stay in the crate longer, try locking him overnight. However, make sure he gets plenty of exercise before going to bed. You should not leave anything in the crate at night except the bed.

When the puppy is older and learns to sleep peacefully through the night, then you can give up the crate. But many dogs get attached to their crate and even enjoy sleeping inside.

Check out this video with helpful tips for crate training at night:

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If you don’t want to lock your puppy in a crate, or if your puppy absolutely hates it, create a place for him with a playpen or gate. Here are a few ways you can do that:

It gives more space for the puppy, which is obviously good. I have a great article on how to make a puppy pen.

I wish you success in teaching your little friend! And please write in the comments, what do you think about overnight crate training?


How long can I keep my puppy in his crate overnight?

You can leave your puppy in the crate for 8-9 hours. However, remember that small puppies up to 3 months of age need to go to the bathroom at night.

Where to put dog crate at night?

dog crate in bedroom

For small puppies, it’s better to put the crate in your bedroom. This way the puppy will be calmer and you’ll be able to see how he’s doing. But then you can gradually move the crate further away and move it to another room.

What to put in a puppy crate at night?

Leave only his bed or pad there. Don’t leave toys or food in there. This will only prevent your puppy from sleeping peacefully. To calm your fur baby, you can buy a diffuser with pheromones that resemble the scent of the dog’s mother.




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