Are you feeding your puppy properly? Check out the puppy feeding chart

Puppy owners often have a hard time deciding how much a puppy should eat. There are so many questions, and it can be confusing. But a balanced diet is very important. If you overfeed a puppy, it’ll gain too much weight, and if you give it too little food, it’ll negatively affect the development of its growing body.

To help you with this, I’ve created a puppy feeding chart that shows the amount of food for puppies of different ages and the number of meals.

How much should a puppy eat?

The answer to the question “How much food should your puppy get?” depends on the breed and age. So immediately determine the average weight of an adult dog of a particular breed. Then look up this value in the chart.

infographic on how much should a puppy eat at different ages

Example: you have a 4-month-old Labrador boy. In adulthood he reaches 30-35 kg. Then he must eat 350-420 g of dry food per day. This amount of food should be divided into 3 meals. You can moisten the food with water or sauce.

Important: If you give your puppy treats during training, subtract this from the total amount.

Feeding Schedule

Another question that often plagues puppy owners is, “When is the best time to feed a puppy?” An example of a feeding schedule might look like this:

puppy feeding schedule

Remember that the last meal should be about 3-4 hours before bedtime to give the food time to digest.

Veterinarians recommend feeding dogs exactly on a schedule, rather than giving them lots of food to eat freely (because free-feeding often leads to obesity).

If you're looking for good dog food, I recommend looking at Chippin food. It is made from natural products and the recipes are developed under the guidance of veterinarians. Check out their menu.


How do I know if my puppy is eating enough?

Be guided by your dog’s needs. For example, if he’s not eating the whole meal, the portions are too large. Also, keep an eye on your puppy’s development by checking his weight weekly. If he’s gaining too much weight, you’re overfeeding him.

At what age should I start feeding my puppy solid food?

Large-breed puppies begin eating unmoistened dry food at 10 weeks of age, smaller dogs at 12 weeks.

When should I transition my puppy to adult food?

Small breeds are fully grown at 7to 9 months, so you can switch to adult food at that time. Larger breeds take longer to become adults. You can feed them adult food at 12 months.

Should I choose dry or wet food?

Either is fine. Consider your puppy’s preferences. You can also alternate between dry and wet food.

A few helpful tips in conclusion

  • Don’t leave food in the bowl for more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Don’t feed your puppy food from your table. Some foods that are safe for people can be dangerous for dogs.
  • Make sure the puppy always has access to water.
  • Don’t change your puppy’s diet suddenly. It can have a bad effect on digestion.
  • Do you still have questions? Write them in the comments to get an answer.
👉Easy biscuit recipes for the dog. Prepare healthy treats for your pet at home.

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